Monday, August 12, 2013

Stephen Colbert Invitation for September 11th Shopping Griefportunities

This is a bit tongue and cheek.  If anyone caught Stephen Colbert's piece in 2011 on Shopping Griefportunities, it was just scratching the surface.  I would invite Mr. Colbert to take a closer look at the numerous options for commemorating the upcoming 12th anniversary of September 11th.  Here's a quick list of suggestions for consideration (my favorites):
It is fitting to end with Maker's Mark, who offered this tribute bottle shortly after 9/11.  Stephen, you liked the 9/11 tribute wine (I do own a bottle, but can't say I've tasted it), but you can't out due Maker's Mark.  I think this is a more fitting list for Shopping Griefportunities. 

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