Heartfelt and touching book by 1st graders at Masterson Elementary School in Kennet, Missouri, about the day after the tragic events of September 11th. These students were given a commemorative Sept
On September 11th horrific events occurred, yet through the simple text and vibrant art of first graders, we are reminded that the world continued the next day. On each page, children experience the comforts of ordinary routines, such as their teacher reading books to them, having homework and recess, and knowing that 2 + 2 still equals 4. This is a poignant message of hope that reassures us all that even after bad things happen, tomorrow always brings a new day.
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September 12th... We Knew Everything Would Be All Right
First-graders Assure a Nation After Tragedy
Article by Karen Fanning
The cover to September 12th... We Knew Everything Would Be All Right.
Teachers: To learn more about this book and others, click here.
They may look like your average first-graders, but Darlene Robertson's students will soon be sharing a spot on the bookshelf with such famous authors as J.K. Rowling and Brian Jacques. Why? The Kennett, Missouri, kids were named special America Remembers commemorative winners of Scholastic Book Fairs' 16th-annual Kids Are Authors program.
Chosen among thousands of entries, their book, September 12th...We Knew Everything Would Be All Right, delivers a message of hope in the wake of the worst terrorist attack in U.S. history.
The young authors remind readers that the world did not end on September 11. They recall the familiar and comforting routines of going to school the following day, being greeted by their teacher, playing at recess, and doing homework.
Once Mrs. Robertson's class came up with a story, students worked in pairs and in groups, sketching pictures for each of the book's 29 pages. They then added color to their pencil drawings with bright crayons to create their vibrant works of art.
"They love to write," Mrs. Robertson says of her 18 students. "They were so eager to draw. I handed them each a blank piece of paper, and they just drew and drew."
In the end, the book's message is simple, says Mrs. Robertson. "When things happen that are bad, small children want to know that the world is still safe," she says. "It's a comforting book."
Scholastic Book Fairs' Kids Are Authors program is a national book-writing contest open to teams of student writers in grades K through 8. Entrants include students from across the country and abroad.
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