ACME Sound Magnet featuring 9/11 tribute with firefighters raising flag at WTC site. Magnet plays God Bless America. A portion of the proceeds from the sale were donation to United Way's September 11th Fund.
Sunday, August 25, 2013
Acme Sound Magnet: 9/11 Tribute
ACME Sound Magnet featuring 9/11 tribute with firefighters raising flag at WTC site. Magnet plays God Bless America. A portion of the proceeds from the sale were donation to United Way's September 11th Fund.
Barbie American Spirit: 9/11 Tribute
Barbie Bazaar, the official Barbie doll collector magazine, featured a special 9/11 tribute in their Feb 2002 issue. The feature offers a timeline of various Barbie dolls intermixed patriotic tributes.
Monday, August 12, 2013
Stephen Colbert Invitation for September 11th Shopping Griefportunities
This is a bit tongue and cheek. If anyone caught Stephen Colbert's piece in 2011 on Shopping Griefportunities, it was just scratching the surface. I would invite Mr. Colbert to take a closer look at the numerous options for commemorating the upcoming 12th anniversary of September 11th. Here's a quick list of suggestions for consideration (my favorites):
- Paint by Numbers Canvas (therapeutic and commemorative)
- Terrorists Can Shake Our Buildings But Never Can Touch America's Foundation Sweater (great for Thanksgiving or Christmas)
- 9/11 Trading Cards ("Stack up the cards of every ball player, from the lowest overpaid benchwarmer to A-Rod and they wouldn't be worth one firefighter Manuel Devalle, Jr." quote from the box)
- Twin Towers Silverware (commemorative, yet functional, for your everyday dining)
- 9/11 pistol grips (nothing more to say)
- Rolling Tribute remote-controlled semi-truck (perfect for any kid)
- Twin Tower blades knife (probably not functional, but who really cares)
- Tribute Tissues (the cure for any cold)
- Maker's Mark tribute bottle (with red, white and blue wax)
9/11 Flag of Honor
I purchased this flag at the gift shop at the 9/11 Memorial. Right, I said gift shop. There is a retail experience at the 9/11 Memorial, but it is low key (especially compared to what's out there and what I've featured here). The store carries mostly books and simple gift items. I picked up this flag because I thought it pushed the envelope a little. It features the names of all those who perished in 9/11. Their names make up the stripes of the flag. It also highlights proceeds will be donated to 9/11 charities. That seems a little open-ended, and as I've highlighted in my collection, there isn't much (or any) accountability for corporate donations to 9/11 charities from the proceeds of various tribute, commemorative and memorial items. I do want to clarify that it is my understanding that many of the 9/11 families like this flag. If the families took issue with it, I'm sure it wouldn't be available for purchase. Regarding the gift shop, I don't take any issue with its existence. The 9/11 Memorial and soon-to-open Museum have operating expenses, and a retail operation allows them to generate earned income to go towards these costs.
Visit to 9/11 Memorial
Pictures from my visit to the 9/11 Memorial back on June 10th. The pictures also feature George William Morrel, brother of our good friend Cathy Raddatz. The Memorial and reflecting pools are really quite striking and a must-see for anyone going to NYC. You will also see the shiny, wavy-looking building in one of the pictures. This building will be the September 11th Museum, which is slated to open in 2014. We also had the pleasure of meeting with some Museum staff to discuss their 9/11 collecting efforts. It was really a memorable trip.