Monday, August 12, 2013

9/11 Flag of Honor

I purchased this flag at the gift shop at the 9/11 Memorial.  Right, I said gift shop.  There is a retail experience at the 9/11 Memorial, but it is low key (especially compared to what's out there and what I've featured here).  The store carries mostly books and simple gift items.  I picked up this flag because I thought it pushed the envelope a little.  It features the names of all those who perished in 9/11.  Their names make up the stripes of the flag.  It also highlights proceeds will be donated to 9/11 charities.  That seems a little open-ended, and as I've highlighted in my collection, there isn't much (or any) accountability for corporate donations to 9/11 charities from the proceeds of various tribute, commemorative and memorial items.  I do want to clarify that it is my understanding that many of the 9/11 families like this flag.  If the families took issue with it, I'm sure it wouldn't be available for purchase.  Regarding the gift shop, I don't take any issue with its existence.  The 9/11 Memorial and soon-to-open Museum have operating expenses, and a retail operation allows them to generate earned income to go towards these costs.     

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