Wednesday, March 25, 2009

How to Commemorate 9/11 from eHow Holidays and Celebrations Editor

Heard of eHow? I hadn't until now. I found this post of interest.

There are many ways to recognize and remember 9/11, depending upon where you live and its personal meaning to you. Some may regard it on a purely patriotic level, focusing on the fact that the United States was attacked by terrorists from the Middle East, while others may respond to it on a much more personal level, especially if they knew someone who perished in the attack.

  • Step 1 Visit New York City and pay tribute to all of those who lost their lives by touring Ground Zero, where the World Trade Center towers once stood. Visit the Viewing Wall on Church Street, which is a temporary monument that lists the name of every person who died in the towers on 9/11.
  • Step 2 Wear a commemorative ribbon on your lapel to remind yourself and others of that fateful day, and to never forget those who lost their lives. There are many types of 9/11 ribbons, but most of them are red, white and blue, and are printed with the date of the attacks.
  • Step 3 Collect 9/11 memorabilia, such as stamps, coins, art, photos and DVDs relating to the events that happened that day.
  • Step 4 Become involved with one of the many non-profit organizations doing charity work for 9/11 related causes, such as the World Trade Center Memorial Fund, the September Project (which sponsors 9/11 related events in public libraries) and the 9/11 Victims Memorial Quilt Project (see Resources below).
  • Step 5 Talk to people who witnessed the events of 9/11 and listen to their detailed accounts of what it was like to be in lower Manhattan that day. Most of the guides for the 9/11 walking tours were eyewitnesses and have many harrowing stories to tell.

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