Friday, October 10, 2008

Collectible tributes

Department 56's tribute is only to be expected. A call to action in coming together after September 11th, this tribute brings a cast of different characters together. This assemble around the world, joined together by September 11th. The glass world, with a light built into its base, shines when turned on. Is this another religious tribute? Also, this object, like many others, makes a claim of donating proceeds to help those impacted by September 11th. A consumer who purchases this item could be buying this collectible because they see a connection between themselves, this item, and September 11th. This item is meant for the everyday America, far removed from the events of 9/11, but looking for a way to connect.
One more point to raise is what other events in American history had such an impact on American products and consumerism that Department 56, a business built on collectibles (Snowbabies, Christmas villages, Halloween villages, etc), incorporates a tribute to September 11th? Do Dept 56 collectors set this up with their Victorian holiday scenes? Do you surround your Snowbabies around the lighted globe to pay homage to this tragedy? Although these questions seem biting, they are honest and call us to think critically about something that may simply come in a box, but once opened, becomes so much more in meaning and message and connection.

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