A special tribute basket created by Henn Workshops. Named "A Prayer for Peace II United We Stand, it was created as a tribute to September 11th, and also as a way to raise money for the victims. The details sheet outlines the significance of the colors and design. A great example of a handcrafted item, and the influence of September 11th on all forms of material culture.
Monday, December 7, 2009
Henn Workshops Basket: A Prayer for Peace II "United We Stand"
A special tribute basket created by Henn Workshops. Named "A Prayer for Peace II United We Stand, it was created as a tribute to September 11th, and also as a way to raise money for the victims. The details sheet outlines the significance of the colors and design. A great example of a handcrafted item, and the influence of September 11th on all forms of material culture.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Firefighter Pencil Sharpener
Like many previous items, this pencil sharpener evokes firefighters, a symbol connected to September 11th.
Freedom Freshener
Maine's Village Candle created the Freedom Freshener in memoriam for September 11th. Like other tribute items, a portion of the proceeds from their sale went to support national disaster relief efforts. Thanks to Village Candle for sending me this item!
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Terrorism Update
As the years passed of September 11th, 2001, a number of publications appeared that offered updates on the "war against terrorism." This is one example.
Tribute Tie
This 9/11 tribute tie was given to me by a friend. He picked it up near the World Trade Center site. Items like this were common after 9/11, but are not as available now 8 years later. There are a number of tribute items still on the market, but most fall into the category of mass produced (usually paper or plastic items).
Friday, August 21, 2009
Sniff: Patriotic Tissues
Another example of a patriotic-themed artifact. Paper products were probably one of the more numerous examples. These tissues are clearly tied to 9/11.
I also find another interesting point about these tissues. 9/11 was a tragic event, and it is ironic that a pack of tissues, associated with crying, would have such an appearance.
One really has to wonder about the reasoning behind having a flag-inspired tissue? What would the purpose of such a thing be? Would one really think they showing their patriotism? Or is this about a company trying to sell more tissues by using 9/11 as motivation? As always, any opinions are welcome, but I think the answer is clear.
Post-It Flags
These Post-it Flags are a great example of how the American flag became incorporated into many household and commercial products and goods. Here 3M will donate 5 cents to the American Red Cross from every product sold. Another example of a corporation making a donation as result of 9/11. One has to question how much money was raised as a result of such corporate actions? How many companies implemented such actions?
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Sunday, April 26, 2009
George Bush Tribute Knife
Tribute knife featuring George W. Bush next to an American flag. This is a typical example of memorabilia object that resulted from 9/11.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Friday, April 24, 2009
United We Stand #2 Pencils
This PaperMate #2 pencil has American boldy printed across the package. The package also mentions United Way Stand. Decorated with patriotic colors, this pencil is a clear example of the American symbolism that increased across all forms of matieral culture after 9/11. As I mentioned many, many times, this is another great example of a household object that reflects September 11th. These pencils reinforce my idea that no other event in American or world history had such a significant impact and influence on material culture (household to collectibles).
Monday, April 20, 2009
Flag Raising Ornament
Here is an ornament version of the US Post Office's picture depicting firefighters raising a flag at Ground Zero.