Sunday, April 26, 2009
George Bush Tribute Knife
Tribute knife featuring George W. Bush next to an American flag. This is a typical example of memorabilia object that resulted from 9/11.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Friday, April 24, 2009
United We Stand #2 Pencils
This PaperMate #2 pencil has American boldy printed across the package. The package also mentions United Way Stand. Decorated with patriotic colors, this pencil is a clear example of the American symbolism that increased across all forms of matieral culture after 9/11. As I mentioned many, many times, this is another great example of a household object that reflects September 11th. These pencils reinforce my idea that no other event in American or world history had such a significant impact and influence on material culture (household to collectibles).
Monday, April 20, 2009
Flag Raising Ornament
Here is an ornament version of the US Post Office's picture depicting firefighters raising a flag at Ground Zero.
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Patriotic Spirit
Nothing says or shows patriotism better then a music playing flag button. One of my few examples (car flag post coming soon), there was a dramatic increase in patriotic goods after September 11th.
Selling 9/11
I obviously purchased this directly from an individual. I found it a little surprising that it was a commemorative September 11th pin. But, you pick what is going to sell, and 9/11 clearly was an economic force and spending motivator.